Sprocket Security | Cybersecurity



Latest Cybersecurity Resources

Moving from Snapshots to Strategy: Why CTEM is Essential for Security Leaders

Discover why Continuous Threat Exposure Management (CTEM) is crucial for security leaders. Learn how moving to real-time threat management can enhance your organization's cybersecurity resilience.

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Beginning a New Chapter: The Sprocket Shield Partner Program

In today's rapidly-evolving cybersecurity landscape, organizations require proactive and dynamic approaches to safeguard their systems against ever-growing threats. Sprocket's continuous penetration testing platform… read more →

Ahead of the Breach - Vladimir Tokarev, Senior Security Researcher, Microsoft

Join Microsoft’s Senior Security Researcher Vladimir Tokarev, as he shares how a gaming session led to discovering critical OpenVPN vulnerabilities, and learn his approach to successful vulnerability research through… read more →

Ahead of the Breach Bot: Accessible Industry Expert Insights

The launch of the Ahead of the Breach (AOB) Bot, an AI assistant that makes insights from the Ahead of the Breach podcast instantly searchable and accessible. read more →

Ahead of the Breach - Lorenzo Pedroncelli, Senior Manager at RSA Security

Ahead of the Breach Podcast sits down with Lorenzo Pedroncelli, Senior Manager at RSA Security, to discuss his thoughts on identity security as a cornerstone of cybersecurity. read more →

Recent InfoSec Talks, Defcon 32 Demo Labs - Farming n-days with GreyNoise

In this series the service delivery team writes about an outstanding talk they saw at a conference and implementing those lessons at scale. read more →

Ahead of the Breach - Bindi Davé, Deputy CISO at DigiCert

Ahead of the Breach Podcast sits down with Bindi Davé Deputy CISO at DigiCert, to explore the importance of establishing trust in digital communications and the impact of zero trust and AI on security practices. read more →

Red Teaming: History, Methodology, and 4 Critical Best Practices

A “red team” is a group of security experts within an organization, which aims to breach security measures and uncover vulnerabilities, to help the organization improve its defenses. read more →

Top 10 Vulnerability Management Best Practices for 2024

Vulnerability management is the ongoing process of identifying, evaluating, treating, and reporting on security vulnerabilities in systems and software read more →

How to Conduct a Security Risk Assessment in 6 Steps

Security risk assessment is a systematic process to evaluate potential threats and vulnerabilities affecting an organization’s critical resources. read more →

7-Stage Vulnerability Management Process and How to Make It Great

Penetration testing is a simulated cyber-attack against a computer system, network, or application to evaluate its security posture. read more →

Ahead of the Breach - Joe Mariscal, Director of Cybersecurity and Compliance at Ryerson

Ahead of the Breach Podcast sits down with Joe Mariscal, Director of Cybersecurity and Compliance at Ryerson, as he shares his journey from the Marines to building a robust cybersecurity program and emphasizes the… read more →

Continuous Human & Automated Security

The Expert-Driven Offensive
Security Platform

Continuously monitor your attack surface with advanced change detection. Upon change, testers and systems perform security testing. You are alerted and assisted in remediation efforts all contained in a single security application, the Sprocket Platform.

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Expert-Driven Offensive Security Platform

  • Attack Surface Management
  • Continuous Penetration Testing
  • Adversary Simulations