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WebQL: Using CodeQL To Conduct JavaScript Security Analysis Against Modern Web Applications

Introducing WebQL, an automated JavaScript analysis tool that leverages CodeQL to identify and exploit vulnerabilities in modern web applications like SPAs and PWAs. By automating the extraction, beautification, and…

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I’m sick of 1000-line Python scripts.

This blog introduces snickerdoodle, a customized Cookiecutter template designed to help penetration testers quickly create and share complex CLI tools. By automating project setup with features like pre-configured CLI… read more →

Forbidden! Are 403 bypasses worth looking for?

403 status code bypasses might seem niche and impractical at first glance, but they can be surprisingly valuable for uncovering vulnerabilities at scale. This blog delves into the nuances of 403 bypass techniques,… read more →

Recent InfoSec Talks, Defcon 32 - SSHamble: Unexpected Exposures in the Secure Shell

Will Vandevanter discusses a talk he saw at Defcon 2024 that was jam-packed with knowledge, hunting an international criminal, 0 days, and a new open-source tool. Will also talks about some takeaways he got from the… read more →

One Proxy to Rule Them All

Bypass WAFs with gigaproxy: an HTTP proxy that rotates IPs using mitmproxy, AWS API Gateway, and Lambda. Read the blog to learn more. read more →

Exploring Modern Password Spraying: Introduction to Entra Smart Lockout

Delve into the modern techniques and security controls surrounding password spraying. This series will explore the current techniques, tactics, and procedures (TTPs) for password spraying. read more →

Pwning SPA’s With Semgrep

Semgrep, or Semantic Grep (For Code) should be a part of your pentesting toolkit. If you think otherwise, read on to see why. read more →

From Twitter to Exploit: The Sprocket Security Lifecycle of Exploitation

Our approach to mass exploitation of the latest and greatest vulnerability. On the chopping block, this time around: CVE-2024-3400. read more →

Zip Slip Exploitation in File Uploads with Hackvertor

Custom Tags are one of Hackvertor's most powerful features. They allow you to run Python, Java, or JavaScript with a one-liner inside any Burp request. In this blog post, we will discuss performing Zip Slip testing with… read more →

Patch Diffing CVE-2024-3400 from a Palo Alto NGFW Marketplace AMI

One of the needs during CVE-2024-3400 testing was the ability to test against a live non-production vulnerable instance. We opted for the Palo Alto NGFW AWS Marketplace AMI. read more →

Introduction to the Ticketing SaaS Landscape

The shift to remote work has led to significant changes in organizational dynamics and technology infrastructure, particularly in ticketing, help desk, and management platforms. Sprocket pentesters focus on evaluating… read more →

I Love Lucee: Building Lucee Extensions for Remote Code Execution

During the past few assessments, Sprocket has encountered improperly configured instances of Lucee 5 and 4. This blog post will detail a straightforward method to execute remote code after acquiring administrative… read more →

Continuous Human & Automated Security

The Expert-Driven Offensive
Security Platform

Continuously monitor your attack surface with advanced change detection. Upon change, testers and systems perform security testing. You are alerted and assisted in remediation efforts all contained in a single security application, the Sprocket Platform.

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Expert-Driven Offensive Security Platform

  • Attack Surface Management
  • Continuous Penetration Testing
  • Adversary Simulations