Sprocket Security | Exploitation



Latest Exploitation Resources

Social Engineering: 9 Attack Techniques and 6 Defensive Measures

Social engineering is a method used to manipulate people into divulging confidential information, enabling unauthorized access, or deploying malware.

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Large Language Model (LLM) Security Testing: Types, Techniques, and Methodology

Get ready to learn the importance of LLM (Large Language Model) security testing, a vital process for identifying vulnerabilities in AI models, especially those integrated into web applications. The need for early… read more →

From Twitter to Exploit: The Sprocket Security Lifecycle of Exploitation

Our approach to mass exploitation of the latest and greatest vulnerability. On the chopping block, this time around: CVE-2024-3400. read more →

cURL For The Pentester: Above & Beyond

Did you know you can interact with LDAP using cURL? How about NTLM, proxy tunneling, or domain sockets? A deep dive into some less common and advanced features of cURL, including sending POST requests with a payload… read more →

A Showcase of the Top OWASP Risks

Exploiting several Top 10 risks using the Damn Vulnerable Web Application (DVWA), as it’s expressly configured to highlight sub-optimal cybersecurity practices relevant to modern web applications. read more →

Crossing the Log4j Horizon - A Vulnerability With No Return

A vulnerability was recently disclosed for the Java logging library, Log4j. The vulnerability is wide-reaching and affects both open-source projects and enterprise software. VMWare announced shortly after the release of… read more →

Another Log4j on the fire: Unifi

By now, you’re probably well aware of a recently disclosed vulnerability for the Java logging library, Log4j. The vulnerability is wide-reaching and affects Ubiquiti's Unifi Network Application. In this article, we’re… read more →

How to exploit Log4j vulnerabilities in VMWare vCenter

A vulnerability was recently disclosed for the Java logging library, Log4j. The vulnerability is wide-reaching and affects both open source projects and enterprise software, meaning we need to understand how to ID and… read more →

The ultimate tag team: PetitPotam and ADCS pwnage from Linux

PetitPotam and ADCS exploitation are nothing short of amazing. Exploitation is a breeze and results in full domain admin access. With these two TTPs, an attacker can hop on a network, exploit the vulnerability, do some… read more →

#PrintNightmare: Print Spooler Vulnerability Check

Hey, you love printers right? They’re that reliable, steadfast piece of technology that always seems to work and never gives you any headaches ... right? Well, buckle up. Microsoft is releasing emergency security… read more →

How to exploit Zerologon (CVE-2020-1472)

Recently, one of the most significant Microsoft Windows vulnerabilities since Eternal Blue (MS17-010) was brought to light. We’re going to show you how to exploit it during a pentest. read more →

Getting started with MITRE CALDERA

The MITRE CALDERA project is an automated adversary emulation system. It's primary purpose is to execute a series of operations to help determine if adversarial tactics can be detected in your enterprise environment. read more →

Continuous Human & Automated Security

The Expert-Driven Offensive
Security Platform

Continuously monitor your attack surface with advanced change detection. Upon change, testers and systems perform security testing. You are alerted and assisted in remediation efforts all contained in a single security application, the Sprocket Platform.

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Expert-Driven Offensive Security Platform

  • Attack Surface Management
  • Continuous Penetration Testing
  • Adversary Simulations