Sprocket Security


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CPT in the wild: 3 real-world examples that prove its value

We get it, regular ol’ once-a-year penetration testing is the norm. It’s what your company has budgeted for, what you’re IT team is used to, and in many cases, what your expected to do. But that doesn’t mean it’s the… read more →

The ultimate tag team: PetitPotam and ADCS pwnage from Linux

PetitPotam and ADCS exploitation are nothing short of amazing. Exploitation is a breeze and results in full domain admin access. With these two TTPs, an attacker can hop on a network, exploit the vulnerability, do some… read more →

#PrintNightmare: Print Spooler Vulnerability Check

Hey, you love printers right? They’re that reliable, steadfast piece of technology that always seems to work and never gives you any headaches ... right? Well, buckle up. Microsoft is releasing emergency security… read more →

Fix Cleartext Password Issues in Your Organization

The key to our engagements often and unfortunately involve the discovery of credentials on internal network file shares. We’re going to show you how we find cleartext password storage problems and how to address them. read more →

Never had a bad day phishing. How to set up GoPhish to evade security controls.

I’m going to quickly go through the process of setting up GoPhish and show you how we evade defenders to increase the success rate of our phishing campaigns. read more →

Fourteen good reasons to require 14-character passwords

Password. Password123. Yea, you’ve seen them all when it comes to bad passwords. It comes standard when managing IT security. But while your organization likely requires special characters, uppercase letters and even a… read more →

What Is an Attack Surface... and Why Protect It?

Maybe you’ve heard your IT security team talking about attack surfaces? Or, maybe the term has come up during a virtual conference or in your newsfeed. It’s important to take a step back and understand what an attack… read more →

VIDEO: How Continuous Penetration Testing Works (the best)

Trying to wrap your head around what separates Continuous Penetration Testing from other forms of network security testing? Well, we get it. That’s why we’ve put together this handy little video. Sit back, have a… read more →

What Vulnerability Scanners Miss... and the Cost

Automated Vulnerability Scanners, on the surface, have a lot of appeal to IT directors. They run in the background and are “always on”. They alert you when you have an issue. But the harsh reality is they provide a… read more →

Reliable Username Enumeration: A step-by-step guide

Collecting and validating an organization’s employee base is critical for any successful offensive information security operation. read more →

Continuous Pen Testing vs. Bug Bounties: A Comprehensive Comparison

In-depth info. to consider before choosing how you’ll test network security. If you’ve thought about using a bug-bounty program to test your organization’s network, hit pause and read this first. read more →

Launching a pentest: How to discover related DNS records

When starting a penetration test, we first try to discover domains associated with our target apex domain. To help you navigate this part of the process, we’re going to detail it, highlighting tips and tricks for… read more →

Continuous Human & Automated Security

The Expert-Driven Offensive
Security Platform

Continuously monitor your attack surface with advanced change detection. Upon change, testers and systems perform security testing. You are alerted and assisted in remediation efforts all contained in a single security application, the Sprocket Platform.

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Expert-Driven Offensive Security Platform

  • Attack Surface Management
  • Continuous Penetration Testing
  • Adversary Simulations