Latest Strategic Resources
Credential Stuffing: 5 basics you need to understand
It’s tempting to re-use the same password for multiple online accounts. Many of us have done it (it’s OK; this is a safe space). Convenient as it seems, this action puts you at high risk to get hacked via credential… read more →
Multi-Factor Authentication: How Attackers Still Exploit It
Over the past years, we’ve urged companies to start using Multi-factor authentication (MFA) – and many have followed through. Unfortunately, we have a long way to go. First, the good news. MFA protects by adding a… read more →
3 Phishing Streams to Watch and Safeguard
There are cybersecurity phishing streams & threats constantly growing and evolving. Email spam is no longer the front line of the battlefield. Here are 3 new phishing streams beyond email - and how to safeguard them. read more →
Continuous Penetration Testing: Key Benefits and How It Differs from Traditional Methods
You need more value out of your pentests. The traditional point-in-time testing isn't cutting it. Continuous penetration testing brings an innovative methodology that better protects you and your business. This post… read more →
Continuous Human & Automated Security
The Expert-Driven Offensive
Security Platform
Continuously monitor your attack surface with advanced change detection. Upon change, testers and systems perform security testing. You are alerted and assisted in remediation efforts all contained in a single security application, the Sprocket Platform.
Expert-Driven Offensive Security Platform
- Attack Surface Management
- Continuous Penetration Testing
- Adversary Simulations