Sprocket Security | Strategic



Latest Strategic Resources

Why Users Are a Top Threat – And Bug Bounties Fall Short

Bug-bounty programs live and die by their ability to target public-facing assets and then expose related vulnerabilities. But one asset is out of their reach, and it’s arguably the most dangerous to your network. read more →

How to hunt for SolarWinds Orion usage

Recent reports from FireEye revealed a large-scale campaign to infect company networks using a modified version of the SolarWinds Orion monitoring agent. read more →

Bug Bounty vs. Continuous Pen Testing: Understanding the Basics

Oh, the world of good ol’ bug-bounty programs. In recent months they’ve become a hot topic for IT teams looking to unearth vulnerabilities. And it’s easy to see why. They’re flashy and promise the world. Your company… read more →

InBusiness column: How testing protects your data – and bottom line

Getting hacked hurts. Not only is it often a PR nightmare and the cause of sleepless nights – a company data breach is a financial fright fest that can cost you millions of dollars. read more →

Top 5 ways hackers break into your network

Practical, expert-tested guidance you can apply to immediately improve your network security. read more →

Preventing Social Engineering Breaches

It’s pretty common for companies to bundle social engineering into their penetration testing programs. But when the report shows up, you may find you’re surprised and frustrated at the rate of employees clicking links… read more →

Credential Stuffing: 5 basics you need to understand

It’s tempting to re-use the same password for multiple online accounts. Many of us have done it (it’s OK; this is a safe space). Convenient as it seems, this action puts you at high risk to get hacked via credential… read more →

Multi-Factor Authentication: How Attackers Still Exploit It

Over the past years, we’ve urged companies to start using Multi-factor authentication (MFA) – and many have followed through. Unfortunately, we have a long way to go. First, the good news. MFA protects by adding a… read more →

3 Phishing Streams to Watch and Safeguard

There are cybersecurity phishing streams & threats constantly growing and evolving. Email spam is no longer the front line of the battlefield. Here are 3 new phishing streams beyond email - and how to safeguard them. read more →

Continuous Human & Automated Security

The Expert-Driven Offensive
Security Platform

Continuously monitor your attack surface with advanced change detection. Upon change, testers and systems perform security testing. You are alerted and assisted in remediation efforts all contained in a single security application, the Sprocket Platform.

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Expert-Driven Offensive Security Platform

  • Attack Surface Management
  • Continuous Penetration Testing
  • Adversary Simulations