Sprocket Security


Tag: Continuous

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Latest "Tag: Continuous" tagged resources

What is attack surface management?

Attack surface management is a security solution that provides vulnerability monitoring across your digital and physical assets.

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Traditional vs. Continuous Pentesting: A Comparison Checklist

We get a lot of questions about what makes continuous penetration testing more valuable than traditional timebox testing. Seriously, A LOT of questions – all of which are warranted. Take a look below, and we’re pretty… read more →

CPT in the wild: 3 real-world examples that prove its value

We get it, regular ol’ once-a-year penetration testing is the norm. It’s what your company has budgeted for, what you’re IT team is used to, and in many cases, what your expected to do. But that doesn’t mean it’s the… read more →

Bug Bounty vs. Continuous Pen Testing: Understanding the Basics

Oh, the world of good ol’ bug-bounty programs. In recent months they’ve become a hot topic for IT teams looking to unearth vulnerabilities. And it’s easy to see why. They’re flashy and promise the world. Your company… read more →

Continuous Human & Automated Security

The Expert-Driven Offensive
Security Platform

Continuously monitor your attack surface with advanced change detection. Upon change, testers and systems perform security testing. You are alerted and assisted in remediation efforts all contained in a single security application, the Sprocket Platform.

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Expert-Driven Offensive Security Platform

  • Attack Surface Management
  • Continuous Penetration Testing
  • Adversary Simulations