Sprocket Security | Sprocket Adds Unique User Assignment to Findings

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Sprocket Adds Unique User Assignment to Findings

Drive remediation efforts by assigning an open finding to a team member. This allows everyone on your team to know who is leading the efforts to help mitigate a business risk.

The Sprocket portal has released a new feature, Assigning users to findings. Drive remediation efforts by assigning an open finding to a team member. This allows everyone on your team to know who is leading the efforts to help mitigate a business risk.

Users will be notified with an email when they are assigned to a finding. New findings will be left unassigned until ownership is selected.

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Continuously monitor your attack surface with advanced change detection. Upon change, testers and systems perform security testing. You are alerted and assisted in remediation efforts all contained in a single security application, the Sprocket Platform.

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