Sprocket Security | Sprocket Releases Service Level Agreement…

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Sprocket Releases Service Level Agreement Features and More

Sprocket updated the Team Management feature in the Platform and added new SLA feature

Sprocket is excited to introduce two brand-new platform features. These innovative additions are designed to further enhance your experience and provide valuable benefits by reducing risk and boosting your team's efficiency.

Add and Manage Teammates

You can now seamlessly onboard new teammates to your account without the need to reach out to Sprocket directly! This feature allows you to add individuals who share the same email domain with your company in seconds. Once a new user is added, you can efficiently assign them to specific findings, enabling your organization to delegate findings and remediation tasks to the most suitable personnel.

Only users with administrative privileges can add new teammates. If you do not see the "Add New User" field below, you do not have administrative privileges.

Email Notifications: Users will be notified with an email when they are added to the team.

Unlimited Teammates: Teams can add as many users as they need to their organization.

Any new user added that is outside your pre-approved domain will be pending approval by Sprocket.

Service Level Agreements (SLA)

Increase the remediation velocity of vulnerabilities with Sprocket's new SLA feature. Setting deadlines is crucial to guarantee that issues are addressed promptly. This significantly lowers your susceptibility to cyberattacks by notifying you about deadlines. You can set your SLA based on the severity of vulnerabilities.

SLA times can be applied to individual projects superseding the company-wide settings.

Email Notifications: Users will be notified with an email when a finding has violated the SLA policy.

Customized to Your Organization: Adjust timeframes based on your organization's SLA policy.

What is SLA?

SLA defines how long findings may remain open to comply with your organization's SLA policy.

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The Expert-Driven Offensive
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Continuously monitor your attack surface with advanced change detection. Upon change, testers and systems perform security testing. You are alerted and assisted in remediation efforts all contained in a single security application, the Sprocket Platform.

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