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A guide to installing and running your first operation with MITRE CALDERA.
This Content was created in 2018 and Caldera has changed a lot since then. Content and steps might be outdated.
MITRE's CALDERA project rocks! It emulates adversarial actions on a network. These instructions will guide you through installing and running your first operation. These instructions also work as-is for a Raspberry pi! The performance on the pi is limiting, but its worth it for portability and demos for clients. I don't recommend using CALDERA on a pi if testing in a lab with more than 5 hosts, perhaps an odroid would work better.
You'll need the following:
Install dependencies
apt-get -y install python3-dev python3-pip git-core mongodb
Make sure setup-tools in up to date
pip3 install --upgrade setuptools
Download CALDERA
git clone
Install CALDERA. cd into the caldera/caldera directory and run:
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
Prep database
echo "replSet = caldera" >> /etc/mongodb.conf
Restart the database with systemctl restart mongodb.service
Download crater, CALDERA's RAT.
Make sure you are in the caldera directory (not caldera/caldera), then run:
mkdir -p dep/crater/crater && cd dep/crater/crater
ln -s CraterMainWin8up.exe CraterMain.exe
Run CALDERA from the following directory caldera/caldera.
You should be able to login to the UI at https://CALDERAIP:8888
Note: default credentials are admin:caldera
Optional - In preparation for step 2. You can download the required agent software (cagent and visual c++ redistributable) to the server so agents can easily download locally. Handy for a portable setup on the pi.
cd ~/
You can host a python web server to download these: python -m SimpleHTTPServer
On your lab systems:
Install Visual C++ Redistributable
Create directory c:\Program Files\cagent
. Download the agent's configuration file from your CALDERA server https://YOUR-CALDERA-SERVER:8888/conf.yml
and save it to the c:\program files\cagent directory.
Download and save the agent.
NOTE: you may need to edit the conf.yml
if DNS doesn't work in your lab.
Open an administrative command prompt, and in the c:\program files\cagent directory perform the following:
cagent.exe --startup auto install
cagent.exe start
If all goes well you'll see the agent under Debug>Connected Agents
You can verify agents are working by sending commands to the agent under Debug>Send Command feature.
CALDERA needs to know 3 things before you can launch an operation.
Setup your network and assign hosts
Creat an adversary (or choose a builtin)
Create an operation
After you create the operation, CALDERA automatically kicks off the operation after you create it. Here it is in action:
CALDERA github repo
CALDERA documentation
BlackHat presenation on CALDERA by Andy Applebaum and Doug Miller
cagent.exe remove
comp configuration > admin templates > windows components > windows defender
cagent.exe --username DOMAIN\bjames --password SECRET start
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